Ryðvarnarefni sem byggja á lanolin (ullarfeiti) hafa slegið gegn á Íslandi sem og víðar. Berkebile hefur þróað hið sérstaka PFC (Protection First Class) ryðvarnarefni með það að markmiði að bjóða umhverfisvænni leiðir þegar kemur að ryðvörnum bifreiða og tækja. PFC efnið hefur ótal aðra notkunarmöguleika en aðeins ryðvarnareiginleika. Hér má nefna að efnið notast sem rakavörn í rafmagni tækja og bifreiða, varnarlag á geymasambönd, sem smurefni, varnarefni fyrir veiðibúnað (skotvopn) og margt annað.
Berkebile PFC Ryðvarnarefni - Ullarfita
Protection First Class is an all-around vehicle protecting product with applications from bumper to bumper. The non-toxic and solvent free formula is safe for use on all metal surfaces including chrome, diamond plate, or stainless steel. It is also safe for many painted surfaces allowing it to be used all over vehicles. Protection First Class also makes an outstanding undercoating material.
To prevent bug and tar build up on bumpers, mirrors, & other surfaces on your vehicle simply spray Protection First Class on the surface allow it to stand momentarily to penetrate the surface, then wipe off any excess with a dry cloth. It is safe for chrome, diamond plate, stainless steel, and painted surfaces.
To prevent corrosion or interrupted connections, thoroughly clean and dry all contact points and battery terminals, make the connection and apply Protection First Class, covering the entire connection in a protective film.
Applying Protection First Class to wheels and tires has several benefits. Protection First Class will shine and protect metals wheels, preventing brake dust build up and protecting against pitting caused by corrosive roadway chemicals. Protection First Class works great as a tire shine and conditioner for your rubber tires too! Apply to the tire sidewall and the wheels, allow to stand momentarily then wipe off with a clean cloth.
Use Protection First Class on your hitch ball and hitch mounts to prevent rust and corrosion. Protection First Class can keep all picot points, chains, hooks and latches moving freely and operational. Due to the advanced under coating abilities of Protection First Class, it can be used to treat entire metal trailers or trailer frames to prevent rust and corrosion. Be sure to treat your trailers electrical connections to keep them protected year-round.