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Fljótandi RTV þéttiefni sem þolir mikinn þrýsting og hita eða allt að 260°C. Efnið er einangrandi fyrir rafmagnstengingar, þolir ágang frá olíu, sjálfsskiptivökva, vatnsgufu og frostlög.


Dæmigerðir notkunarfletir:


Olíupönnur, endaþéttingar, vatnspumpur, rafmagnstengi. Efnið notast einnig gjarnan sem rúðupakkning, í hurðaramma, topplúgur o.fl.



Svart - RTV silicon þéttiefni

  • - B4 Black RTV Silicone Instant Gasket Maker:  Low Volatile Formulation, Sensor Safe replaces most pre-cut gaskets.  Meets OEM specifications for use near engine sensors.  Insulates electrical connections.  Resists high pressure and temperatures from –65o to 500oF.  Resists oil, transmission fluids, water (steam), and anti-freeze.  Typical uses:  oil pans, end seals, water pumps, valve covers, thermostat housing, electrical connections.  Seal windshields, door frames, sunroofs, roofs, vinyl tops and weatherstripping. 

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