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Wallas 26cc er vandaður olíuofn sem hentar 40-60 fm rými. Möguleiki er á stýringum sem bjóða upp á tengingar við síma og/eða önnur snjalltæki en slíkt hentar t.d. þeim sem vilja setja hita af stað áður enn mætt er í sumarbústaðinn.

Olíumiðstöð - Wallas 26cc olíuofn

  • The Wallas 26CC heater is ideal for heating a space of aproxp. 40-60 m2. The temperature range is from 900 to 2600 W (3100-8900 BTU) and the temperature can be adjusted by an automatic inbuilt room thermostat.

    Thanks to the laminar burn process, the heater is environmentally very friendly and silent in operation.


    Preheat your cottage

    • Enter into your warm, cozy cottage. Wallas is easy to operate from your phone touch screen, pad, or computer –which ever suits you best!
    • Preheating is possible with the help of Wallas Remote Control System 4430
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